pp108 : Instantiating a Business Process Model

Instantiating a Business Process Model

This topic presents an overview of the procedure to instantiate a process model.

The Process Engine executes processes modeled in the Process Platform business process modeling environment.

You can instantiate a process model in any of the following modes:



Run Interactively

This mode provides a view of how the business process is executed and allows you to interact with the execution of the business process. Right-click in the business process modeling environment and select Business Process Execution > Run Interactively. Alternatively, press the Shift + F12 keys.


This mode provides a view of how the business process is executed. Right-click in the business process modeling environment and select Business Process Execution > Run


This mode provides options such as viewing and changing input and output messages. You can start this mode using the Process Instance Manager (PIM). Right-click in the business process modeling environment and select Business Process Execution > Debug. Alternatively, you can press the Ctrl + F12 keys.

Related concepts

Contract First Development

Related tasks

Creating a Business Process Model
Designing a Business Process Model
Attaching Web Services to a Business Process Model
Setting the Properties of a Business Process Model
Attaching Roles to an Activity
Validating a Business Process Model
Creating Roles

Related reference

Process Instance
Using Business Identifiers
Business Process Management Service Properties Interface
Business Process Model Properties Interface